What should you do if you have Glaucoma? Find out here:

Hello Everyone, sequel to our previous post, have you been screened for glaucoma? You are welcome to share your experience on this platform. Hopefully, it went well.

If you have already been diagnosed with Glaucoma after due clinical evaluation and professional consultation, you may be wondering what the future holds for your eye health.

Here are a few tips to help you out:

  1. First, do not despair. You can still get clinical help to manage the glaucoma and preserve existing vision.
  2. Next, you should follow your doctor’s management plan strictly and cooperate, to control your eye pressure and prevent more eye damage
  3. Attend your follow-up consultation visits conscientiously, to monitor the signs/ changes in the eye as well as the eye pressure. Your doctor will give you practical lifestyle tips and modifications that can help you.
  4. Finally, maintain good general health and seek professional care where necessary (e.g., if you are diabetic or hypertensive)

Remember we are here to help you and your loved ones in this regard, feel free to contact us for inquiries, consultation and professional care.

Best wishes as you take proactive steps to keep your eyes healthy!


Glaucoma – What do you do if you are at risk? Find out here:

Hello there. I hope your weekend has been restful. This January, have you taken out the time to assess your risk exposure to glaucoma?

Immediate proactive action is required if you are at risk for Glaucoma as outlined last week. Most Glaucoma is discovered through routine pressure check that is part of a comprehensive eye exam. The first step to take will best be to consult an Optometrist and undergo a clinical screening to ensure that you are free of the condition. Regular eye screening is key to prevent risk of glaucoma.

Preventive Optometry/health care services are very vital to maintain healthy eyes in this case. The chances of preserving vision with glaucoma are higher if the condition is discovered on time.

Next, you can take steps to reduce your risk exposure, making lifestyle changes or addressing underlying health conditions as the case may be.

Feel free to share your experiences in this regard with us on any of our contact platforms. You can also visit us for your routine glaucoma screening, we are very prepared to be of service to you.

Best wishes as you take action today!

What you should know about Glaucoma…

Hello Everyone!

This January, we are raising awareness about Glaucoma, so here are highlights of important information you should know about Glaucoma.

Glaucoma is an eye condition that is mostly caused by increased eye pressure and results in various damages to the eye, eventually leading to irreversible blindness.

Only an Eye Care Professional (ECP) can rightly tell you if you have glaucoma or not, after some clinical evaluations. Glaucoma is one of the leading causes of avoidable blindness, it must not be taken lightly – know the risk factors for Glaucoma and take action today.

You are at risk of Glaucoma if you:

  1. have a family history of glaucoma
  2. are of African descent
  3. are over 45 years
  4. are Hypertensive or diabetic
  5. are short-sighted
  6. have had injuries to the eye

If you have further inquiries on this topic, please feel free to contact us for detailed information.