IF YOU ARE LIVING WITH ALBINISM … #International Albinism Awareness Day, 2016

IF YOU ARE LIVING WITH ALBINISM … #InternationalAlbinismAwarenessDay, 2016

According to the United Nations, albinism is still misunderstood socially and even medically in our society today, hence erroneous beliefs and myths are associated with albinism, putting those living with it at risk.

People living with albinism have little or no color pigmentation in their skin or hair or eyes (or all three). Its medically proven that albinism is due to a genetic defect resulting in reduced or absent production of the melanin pigment (and not what the person may or may not have done, according to most beliefs).

People with albinism may experience visual problems like strabismus, nystagmus, very high refractive errors, low vision, inflammations and burns. Here are some helpful eye care tips:

  • Do not miss routine eye care examinations with your Optometrist. You can call to book an appointment today!
  • Always use UV-protective sunglasses, or wide-brimmed hats when you are outdoors, avoid unnecessary exposure of your eyes to the sun.
  • Be sure to effectively use your prescription glasses, which should also be glare-protective.
  • Read with proper lighting and positioning.

Take care, Be Safe, Be Happy!

Do you know some one living with albinism? Please share this post with them.

My eyes …

The external/outer surface of the human eye is very important, and contributes to the formation of the image that is eventually perceived by the brain. This section of the eye generally comprises of the white portion (the sclera), the round transparent lens-like portion over the coloured iris (the cornea) and a soft transparent membrane (the conjunctiva). This surface of the eye is also constantly bathed by a thin film of tears spread by the eye lids during every blink.

This external surface of the eye is also constantly exposed to harsh environmental factors and changes, causing uncomfortable experiences such as itching eyes, excess tearing, red eyes, swollen eyes, discharges from the eyes, burning/peppery sensations, abnormal growths and discolourations, crusts on the lids, etc. Other significant disease conditions may develop on this special surface of the eyes.

It is important to note that the well-being of this part of the eye contributes to the overall visual experience and effeciency  of the eye. Do not hesitate to contact an Optometrist for professional care to assess your eyes if you experience any of the above mentioned disocmforting symptoms or notice any abnormal development in the external surface of your eyes. Do not indulge in self medication and abuse of over-the-counter drugs. Every part of your eye is important, do not take it for granted.